XXI Gamow International Astronomical Conference-School

Опубліковано: Четвер, 08 липня 2021 Автор: Юлія Антоненко


XXI Gamow International Astronomical Conference-School in Odesa:

“Astronomy and beyond: Astrophysics, Cosmology and Gravitation, High Energy Physics, Astroparticle Physics, Radioastronomy and Astrobiology”

 15-21 August, 2021, Odesa, Ukraine

The XXIth Gamow conference-school is devoted to:

– the 150th anniversary of the Astronomical Observatory of Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University;
– the 90th anniversary of the registration by K. Jansky of cosmic radio emission and of the beginning of radio astronomy;
– the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the Era of space flights;
– the 125th anniversary of the Odessa astronomer V.S. Zhardetsky;
– the memory of Prof. A.D. Chernin, the member of the SOC and the participants of all Gamow conferences-schools in Odesa.

Updated. The second announcement is available here, as well as the abstract template.

The first announcement is available here.