Access to public information


The Institute of Radio Astronomy NAS–Ukraine gives access to public information being governed by the Law of Ukraine “On the access to public information” and Decree of President of Ukraine “Question of provision of access to public information by executive authorities”.

The Institute gives access to public information in reply to the required information request.

By the law, the information is considered public if it is obtained or created in the course of performance by subjects of authority of their statutory duties, or such which belongs to subjects of authority, and is displayed and saved as a document by any means and on any carriers.

Any person may request for provision of access to information at his/her own choosing. Though it will be observed that the following should be indicated:

1. Requester’s first name and surname, mailing address or e-mail address, and also telephone number.

2. Description of requested information (requested document type, title, entry or contents).

3. Signature and date.

Mailing address of the Institute of Radio Astronomy NAS–Ukraine to make a request for information:


Institute of Radio Astronomy NAS–Ukraine

4, Chervonopraporna St., Kharkiv, 61002, Ukraine.

Phone/fax: + 38057-7061415.

Please apply to a person in charge of requests for information by making notice: "Public information" on the envelope.

 E-mail addresses: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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