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Yuliia V. Antonenko (Mangushina)





Yuliia Antonenko (Mangushina) graduated from Karazin Kharkiv National University in 2007. She received Master degree in Applied Physics. Diploma thesis topic: «Slot-hole radiators in a lateral surface of a round waveguide». Supervisor – Prof. V.A. Katrich.

Since November 2007 she is PhD student. Supervisor – Dr. Sc. (Phys.-Math.) A.V. Gribovsky. Now she is leading engineer-physicist.



Research theme: Electromagnetic waves diffraction of a plane screen of a finite thickness with coaxial-sector apertures



Frequency-selective properties of a plane screen of finite thickness with coaxial-sector apertures

fig1 n


For the detailed analysis of the resonance properties of the screen, let us introduce the concept of an “equivalent electrical length”:

Fig.1 Frequency dependences of the absolute value of the reflection coefficient for different values of the screen thickness. Normal incidence.

The resonances of total transmission at the thickness screen 20 mm are observed under following conditions:

New resonances of total transmission of electromagnetic waves have been found to exist within that frequency range where resonances of the kind are impossible in the case of screens of finite thickness with a different geometry of the apertures.

It is shown that application of screens with coaxial-sector apertures in the capacity of frequency-selective surfaces allows broadening the operation frequency range of antenna system towards lower frequencies.

It has been found that the frequency-selective properties of a screen of finite thickness with coaxial-sector apertures are practically independent of the angle of incidence of a plane wave upon the screen surface within of 30 degrees.

Journal papers

  1. A.V. Gribovsky, J.V. Mangushina, Algorithm of calculation of the generailzed matrixs of dispersion of two-dimensional periodical array of half-infinite coaxial-sector waveguides, Bulletin of V. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Series "Mathematical Modelling. Information Technology. Automated Control Systems", 2009, no.847, issue 11, pp. 106-115. (In Russian) Abstract

  2. A.V. Gribovsky, J.V. Mangushina, Characteristics of radiation active phased array of coaxial-sector waveguides, Physics of wave processes and radio engineerings systems, 2010, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 24-29. (In Russian) Abstract [PDF]

  3. J.V. Antonenko, A.V. Gribovsky, Frequency-selective properties of the flat screen of a final thickness with coaxial-sector apertures, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy , 2010, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 330-337. (In Russian) Abstract

  4. J.V. Antonenko, A.V. Gribovsky, I.I. Reznik, Radiation electrodynamic characteristics of the phased array from waveguides of compound cross-section, Physics of wave processes and radio engineerings systems, 2010, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 14-18. (In Russian) Abstract [PDF]

Conference papers

  1. Ю.В. Мангушина, А.В. Грибовский, Активная фазированная решетка из коаксиально-секторных волноводов, VIII Харьковская конференция молодых ученых "Радиофизика и электроника, биофизика", Харьков, Украина, 25 – 27 ноября, 2008, с.132.

  2. Ю.В. Мангушина, Амплитудные и поляризационные характеристики фазированных антенных решеток из коаксиально-секторных волноводов, V Международная молодежная научно-техническая конференция "Современные проблемы радиотехники и телекоммуникаций РТ-2009", Севастополь, Украина, 20-25 апреля, 2009, с.132. Abstract

  3. А.В. Грибовский, Ю.В. Мангушина, Численный метод расчета обобщенной матрицы рассеяния двумерно-периодической решетки из коаксиально-секторных волноводов, Труды XIV Международного симпозиума "Методы дискретных особенностей в задачах математической физики" (МДОЗМФ-2009), Харьков-Херсон, Украина, 8-12 июня, 2009, с. 79-82. Abstract

  4. A.V. Gribovskiy, J.V. Mangushina, Phased array of coaxial-sector waveguides, XIV International Seminar/Workshop "Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory" (DIPED-2009), Lviv, Ukraine, September 21-24, 2009, pp.155-158. Abstract

  5. J.V. Antonenko, A.V. Gribovskiy, Frequency-selective properties of the flat screen of a final thickness with coaxial-sector apertures, Proceedings of 2010 International Kharkov Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves , Kharkov, Ukraine, June 21-26, 2010. Abstract

  6. J.V.Antonenko, A.V.Gribovsky, Polarization Transformation of Electromagnetic Waves on a Reflector Array of the Short-Circuited Coaxial-Sector Waveguides, Proceedings of XIII -th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET’10), Kiev, Ukraine, September 6-8, 2010. Abstract

  7. Ю.В. Антоненко, А.В. Грибовский, Отражательная антенная решетка из закороченных коаксиально-секторных волноводов, 20-я Международная Крымская конференция СВЧ-техника и телекоммуникационные технологии, Севастополь, Крым, Украина, 13-17 сентября, 2010, с. 558-559. Abstract

  8. Ю.В. Антоненко, А.В. Грибовский, И.И. Резник, Фазированные антенные решетки из модифицированных коаксиально-секторных излучателей, 21-я Международная Крымская конференция СВЧ-техника и телекоммуникационные технологии, Севастополь, Крым, Украина, 12-16 сентября, 2011, с. 541-542.

  9. J.V. Antonenko, A.V. Gribovsky, Autocollimation regime on a reflect array of short-circuited coaxial-sector waveguides, XVI International Seminar/Workshop "Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory" (DIPED-2011), Lviv, Ukraine, September 26-29, 2011, pp.65-68.

  10. J.V.Antonenko, V.S. Butylkin, A.V.Gribovsky,Polarization Properties of a Double Screen of Finite Thickness with Coaxial-Sector Apertures, Proceedings of XIV-th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET’12), Kharkiv, Ukraine, August 28-30, 2012, p.84-87. Abstract

  11. Ю.В. Антоненко, А.В. Грибовский, Двойной экран конечной толщины с коаксиально-секторными волноводами, 22-я Международная Крымская конференция СВЧ-техника и телекоммуникационные технологии,Севастополь, Крым, Украина, 10-14 сентября 2012, c. 459-460. Abstract

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