СЕМІНАР(online) НДІ астрономії ХНУ 2 квітня 2020 р.
Опубліковано: Четвер, 02 квітня 2020
Автор: Юлія Антоненко
НДІ астрономії ХНУ 2 квітня 2020 р., четвер, 15:15
Portyankina, Ganna (University of Colorado in Boulder)
"All Systems Go! Writing a Mission Proposal for NASA" [60 min.]
Abstract: NASA supports the US science community and its partners to “discover the secrets of the universe, to find life elsewhere, and to protect and improve life on Earth”. To achieve these, NASA relies on the science community to come forward with innovative concepts for future missions. Most NASA’s missions are initiated in response to proposals from teams. Their proposals go through competitive process, composed of multiple phases.
Just about a month ago, on Feb 13, 2020, NASA has announced the first round of down-selections of its most recent call for the Discovery program – one of several current NASA programs focused on the exploration of the Solar System. In this talk, I will summarize lessons I learnt during participation in one of – unfortunately unsuccessful – mission proposals submitted to this program. You will hear about structure of NASA’s competitive programs, how teams of proposed missions are formed, organized, funded, and run. I will discuss the roles and responsibilities of team members and what skills and experience are required to become one. I’ll go through the structure of a standard mission proposal, and its potential strengths, weaknesses, and timeliness. And finally, we’ll discuss how to hit that elusive balance between dreaming big and staying grounded.
The target audience for this talk are students and researchers who are thinking about one day joining a proposal team or even becoming a lead on one and those who want to actively shape the exploration portfolio of the international scientific community.
Обговорення на ФБ:
Сторінка семінару:
Семінар буде проходити у вигляді трансляції на Фейсбук-сторінці НДІ астрономії ХНУ імені В.Н.Каразіна: https://www.facebook.com/pg/astron.kharkov.ua/videos/
А також в Zoom: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/542313588 , Meeting ID: 542 313 588
Початок трансляції: 2020.04.02 15:15 (за Київським часом).
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